

NATO EPVAT testing is one of the three recognized classes of procedures used in the world to control the safety and quality of firearms ammunition. The other two tests are C.I.P (Commission internationale permanente pour l’épreuve des armes à feu portatives) and SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute)

Silent Steel 7.62 Streamer was tested in NATO EPVAT test laboratory. Pressure was measured in the chamber and at the gas port without suppressor and with suppressors. The measured results were compared to see the affect of suppressor to pressure levels. Also action time and the bullet velocity (V2,5 and V24) were measured.

Two types of reference ammunition were used in the test. NATO M80 Ball and Sniper rifle equivalent cartridges.

The test results were very positive. The Streamer does not increase pressure in chamber or at the gas port. There was no change in action time either. The changes were so minimal that same level change happens when taking ammo from different box or measuring on another day.

Bullet velocity increased slightly and bullet velocity (V2,5) deviation was smaller. This means more constant bullet velocities and more accurate shots.

The test results affirmed the flow through capablilities of the new baffleless design. The results also confirmed that the Streamer suppressors can be used in all gas operated self loading rifles without a risk of damaging your rifle.

NATO EPVAT test results (pdf)


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